Disclosure Policy
Disclosure Policy's Basic Position
Morito & Co., Ltd. ("our company") endeavors to promptly provide shareholders and investors with information based on transparency, fairness, and sustainability. In addition to disclosing information in strict accordance with the rules concerning timely disclosure established by the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act and the Tokyo Stock Exchange, our company, at its own discretion, also tries to actively disclose information in a timely manner that also includes information that might prove useful for better understanding our company.
Methods for disclosing information
Our company discloses information by following the specified disclosure procedures, including registration with TDnet (the timely disclosed information transfer system offered by the Tokyo Stock Exchange), announcements via press releases, and publication in securities report so that information will not be aimed solely at a few specific individuals or agents. The information to be disclosed will, in principle, be published on our web site with the aim of realizing information disclosure by suitably maintaining fairness over a broad range. Our company also makes good use of varied information transmission means, including company briefings and various printed materials, so as to deliver easy-to-understand information to as many shareholders and investors as possible.
Business forecasts and future prospects
The plans, future prospects, strategies, etc. of our company and our affiliates that appear on our web site etc. are always forecasts concerning business performance in the future, with the exception of matters related to past or present facts. Therefore, actual business results may have different outcomes than forecast due to various risks, changing or uncertain elements, and the state of the economy.
Quiet period
Our company sets the period of two weeks before the announcement of the Settlement of Accounts as a quiet period in order to maintain fairness by preventing the leakage of Settlement of Accounts-related information. During this period of time we refrain from answering questions or making comments regarding the settlement of accounts. However, if the business results are expected deviate greatly from the initial estimates, we will properly disclose the related information in accordance with the rules of timely disclosure. Even during the quiet period, we will continue handling questions etc. within the range of already published information.